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The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 (FCRA) regulates the acceptance and utilization of foreign contribution or foreign hospitality by certain individuals or associations. The act is intended to prevent the misuse of foreign funds and ensure that these resources are used for legitimate purposes. It is a necessary check on the influx of foreign funds and the activities of certain individuals and organizations.  However, due to its stringent provisions, the FCRA has been criticized for being oppressive and for curbing the rights of citizens. The act has been criticized for being too restrictive and for impeding the growth and development of civil society organizations.  It is therefore recommended that the FCRA be repealed and replaced with a more comprehensive and balanced regulatory framework that takes into account the legitimate interests of citizens and organizations while preventing the misuse of foreign funds. Such a framework should ensure that the rights of citizens and organizations are respected and that foreign funds are used for legitimate purposes.
Repeal The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010
Sorry at this time the Government of India does not allow foreign investment
which is one of our goals we are working on.

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